Saturday, January 30, 2010

Faded Painting

She wanted to believe this rain was over.

She wanted to believe that this world wasn't cold,

But in this feeling she's been wading

& in this silence she believes

in the starlight she is bleeding-

it all fades out.


A strange territory this city has become,

A faded painting left behind.

in her eyes it's always been

And always it's in her smile.

Her breath on my neck I lie awake remembering-

leaves blowing around my feet.

& upon azure skies, I'll blaze her emerald gaze-

kiss the midnight stars for her

& breathe the shimmering world away

to rize in satellite.


Her eyes cast radiant guize-

Casting shadows upon the pavement

of my native Lincoln, Nebraska

where winds wash away her tears

to splash them upon my toes.

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